Add Fingerprint Biometrics


To register a users fingerprints onto OneSpace Central. You will need the following:

  • Your admin workstation (Laptop or Desktop)

  • Your biometric fingerprint reader next to you.

  • The user that needs to have their fingerprints added.

  • An existing Biometric Access Device must be created for the fingerprints to be registered to.

1.  Go to Access Devices.

2. Filter for the Access Device of the user you want to register fingerprints for.

3. Select the view Icon.

4. Select Enrol Fingerprints.

5. A Consent Request window will open. If you are enrolling a 1iD user, this window will prompt the user to give consent via their Connect App. If this is for a Local ID user, this window will auto accept the enrolment request.

6. Select Launch Enroller.

7. The OneSpace Enroller App will now open. Select the type of device you are using for your site. In this guide we are using Morpho Wave Biometric Terminals.

8. Select Next.

9. Ensure that IP Address is for your enrolment reader.

10. Select Connect. This button will become grey upon successful connection.

11. If you are using Morpho wave units, select a finger on either hand to begin registration for that hand. Follow your Morpho Wave readers prompts. It will continue to ask you to wave your hand until it captures all your fingers.

12. On your admin station, the OneSpace Enroller App will give you confirmation window each time a finger is successfully scanned. Hit OK each time you see this.

13. These will highlight green on successful capture, if all fingers are a go. For Morpho Wave units, the thumb print is never collected.

14. Select Finish.

15. Close the Consent Request window.

16. Select the Sync to Site button.

17. Test the user’s hand on your reader. If the reader responds; that concludes their enrolment process.