Central Site Manager Guide
Thank you for selecting OneSpace Central to empower your community. We at OneSpace are more than happy to assist you in case you have any troubles with your Site Management system. This guide was made to provide a quick reference for common actions, functions, and workings that you will be using to help manage your site and all residents on the system. If this guide fails in assisting you with the website’s functionality, please do not hesitate to email us on support@one-space.co.za.
Included in this guide are some basic instructions on how to manage your ERFs (Site Units/Destinations). Connect App users, Entries and Exits for Visitors, Employees and Contractors, Pre-authentication Pins, and basic Gatebook Scanner usage.
This guide will address the following:
Getting Registered and Signed In
When you first navigate to OneSpace Central you will be able to Sign up for an account or login with the credentials provided to you by OneSpace.
Authorization Requests
Site Management will have to brief the residents (OneSpace Connect App Users) that they will need to register on The OneSpace Connect App in order to be able to generate and share PINs for PreAuth entries into the site.
Device Health Dashboard
Should you need insight to the current status of your site. You can access the Health Dashboard Page:
This page will convey how many visits you had for the current day. As well as what your peak times are.
Details pertaining to your Gatebook Devices. Should you find your Gatebook Device is listed as offline. Please don’t hesitate to contact Support.
Details pertaining to your OneSpace Access Control Hardware. Should you find your users are struggling to navigate through OneSpace Access Control, you can confirm if the OneSpace Access Control Hardware is online here.
Creating Access Devices
A fixed PC on site, that has internet access. This PC will need to have the OneSpace Distribution software installed.
Each biometric readers IP Address, Username and Password.
Biometric readers to be connected to a local aera network (LAN). This needs to be the same network that has the PC running OneSpace Distribution Software.
To see a history of Generated PINs; whether or not a PIN has been used, its valid dates and times, the Unit number(ERF) or Registered App user that created the PIN:
Expand PINs in the Central Menu on the left hand side of the screen.
Select View.
Expand a PIN for more info by selecting the eye icon.
Cancel an unused Valid PIN by selecting the Cancel icon next to the eye icon.
The Employees section on Central is for enrolling Site Employees. This is reserved for those people who are employed privately or directly by the site. i.e. Clubhouse employees, chefs, cleaners, gardeners, office workers, security etc.
The site manager can enroll new employees as required by selecting the + New button under the Employees heading. This will open the following page:
This can be done either while creating the employee listing, or by editing an existing employee listing by selecting the Pen icon next to their details.
Employees can also be Archived if you want to disable and remove their listing on the system and block their employee card from being successfully scanned upon entrance. Select the Eye icon to view an employee, and click to Remove their listing.
The Contractors section on Central is for enrolling Contractors from external companies that are permitted to enter and work within your site. This feature will be used by regular companies that frequent the site at various units.
Contractors are enrolled in the system under their respective companies. After creating the company, you may enroll the various employees permitted access. This is reserved for people who are employed by contractor companies and not directly by the site. i.e. Pool Cleaners, renovation companies, 3rd party cleaning services, 3rd party gardening services, delivery drivers, au pair services, etc.
Creating Contacts for Gatebook SIP Calling
The Gatebook Scanner will collect the list of who to call based on what Erf (Address) was selected on the scanner, by the Guard.
Note: That any changes to Contacts will require the Gatebook Scanner to be refreshed to pull the changes from the OneSpace Cloud. This is done every morning by the scanner itself, but can be manually done if required.